In the second installment of The Unknown Room, Rory is joined by the “Happy Warrior” Roxanne Modafferi.
We discuss: Her Lithuanian descent (00:31)
Pro Wrestling and perhaps trying her hand at it in the future (01:00)
Being a Pioneer of women’s MMA and her legacy (02:16)
Her feelings on the TUF house fights not counting towards her professional record (04:21)
Roxanne reveals which opponent she has faced who possessed the most power (05:34)
Roxanne answers some rapid-fire questions about her teammates at Syndicate including best dressed, biggest prankster, the team DJ, and who throws the coolest techniques in practice. (07:59)
AJ Matthews (MMA fighter and Syndicate Muay Thai Coach) obsession with playing love songs during practice (10:25)
The matchup vs Antonina Shevchenko (11:03)
Roxanne reveals how she spent her first UFC 50k performance bonus (13:31)